When you follow federal policy making like I do how the two chambers of Congress are organized is important. Who’s in charge, what do committees look like, how do the politics look, are all important considerations for the fate on public policy.
The drama in the House has my attention and until it is resolved the work of the legislative branch is stalled. I hope that doesn’t last long and I can share news that centers around the outdoors and not parlor games inside the beltway.
As I looked at the morning news I read with great interest Charlie Sykes’ article, Kevin McCarthy’s Hat Trick of Humiliation, in the Bulwark.
Sykes’ post-mortem of McCarthy’s inability to secure the votes to become House Speaker is excellent.
Historians should note that the party that lost control of the House brought popcorn to the ceremony. The party that “won” blew itself up. And then did it again. And again. And then left for a night of pizza, bitterness, and recriminations. Meanwhile, the MAGA crackup accelerated as crackpots fought with nihilists, wingnuts pointed fingers at extremists, and grifters started slap-fights with one another.
As he also notes, “Reap. Sow.”
Sykes also showcases the devolution of the GOP that has brought us to this place.
Here’s a taste, “These guys were once the party’s future. Now they are just footnotes and roadkill.”
I’ll leave you with his exit take, which is spot on.
EXIT TAKE: “Under the new rules of Crazytown, I may have been Speaker, but I didn’t hold all the power . . . the chaos caucus in the House had built up their own power base thanks to fawning right-wing media and outrage-driven fundraising cash.” –John Boehner
P.S. as I type this McCarthy appears headed for his forth defeat. Rep. Byron Donalds has become the GOP alternate de jour.